Sew Fun Studios - FPDS KINDERGARTEN (K5) SPRING Sew Fun Jr. Class! Thursdays 1:20-2:05

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FPDS KINDERGARTEN (K5) SPRING Sew Fun Jr. Class! Thursdays 1:20-2:05

1390 N. State Street
Jackson, Mississippi 39202

Join Sew Fun Studios on Thursdays at FPDS to learn sewing basics while creating a variety of projects to take home! We will create projects using hand sewing, embroidery and end the semester with a few basic machine skills.  Projects are different EVERY semester. Students learn new sewing skills (focusing on fine motor skill development, design and basic sewing skills) while making new and different fiber craft projects! 

Tuition: $265.00 for SPRING semester 

Please note: Class does not meet when FPDS is closed. Tuition is prorated so you do not pay for classes when  FPDS is not in session. 

We are going to have SEW much FUN!!! Limited number of students